Welcome to 2020Vision.buzz, dear reader. This site is being composed by me, a happy amateur as far as webdesign goes. At first I’ve had to try to figure out how everything works. Now it’s time to clean up and be left with only relevant links, that should of course work. So, please have me excused for using blank pages as my template as opposed to one of the many themes I may choose on this platform. Keeping everything easy. After all, it is the text that matters. Enjoy.


Time well bent.

Hi guys. I’m not doing anything. I could just as well write a little. So, I’ll try to find something not to geek about. “Where do we begin?”, is a frequently asked question. There’s still no great answer to that from my current position. I can think of a million things that would make sense to do. Ever since I decided to break the silence and undergo a live psychological autopsy. As a result we have established a sphere where we trust the information at hand. If you start reading the monologue now, you’ll quickly discover how much time I’m saving now whenever arguing some point, because there’s no longer any need to fill in any kind of excuses. That’s not what we’re doing here at 2020vision.buzz
As it turns out, magic is real. Furthermore, reality has far more than three dimensions. We could always add the fourth dimension for time, but what does that mean, assuming that time flows constantly in one direction – the standard timeline thinking – past, present and future? Well, there could be multiple dimensions of time on top of the fourth.  I think we need another three dimensions to account for reality, and to find ways of binding the past to the future. Like I’m sitting here in realtime 30th December 2023, 5pm – presenting this message. But throughout this project there has been talked a lot. What happens in this line of work, is that it has a retroactive nature. I’m connecting points of time in the past and in the future with now, present time. An awake observer would necessarily understand that turning this intervention around, ultimately won’t be possible. But, hey, who would have wanted to just leave it be? 
I’m curious. I ask questions. In a criminal environment, that’s a bad thing. You mind your own business and speak on your own behalf. You don’t ask inappropriate questions regarding other people’s criminal activities. I mean, the less you know the better in certain circumstances. However, we’re not gonna run in to problems because of this. If I don’t need to know, I won’t ask. The information asked for could be important in order to determine the size and nature of any given problem. You know the drill, I’m a doctor, an attorney, and priest in this sense.  Like – I said something about a registry for bribes, earlier. That should of course strike panic into a lot of people, but first of all; we don’t know whether this will actually become necessary. You have my word I’ll avoid it rather than implement it. The message here, is clear. We have a disastrous mess here on this planet, and the only thing that can save us now is to introduce God, basically. God will be a useful term and reference for a number of reasons. 
I think we defined reality earlier as: “a multidimensional experience, with both concrete and abstract dimensions, to which you have to relate, to a certain extent, in order to successfully survive and thrive in the nature we have, to a large extent, made for ourselves.” So, by multidimensional, what exactly do I mean by that? Well, I think we’re probably sixdimensional somehow. Or you could perhaps generally think of six levels of understanding from every known dimension of space.  
If you can’t even show up for work on time, how the heck am I supposed to keep track of dimensions I can’t see or understand perfectly? Well, the key is the bridge, the missing link, the connection between your hemispheres. Usually you treat your thoughts consciously in the dominant sphere, most likely neatly ordered for some routine purpose that you know well. The other half is where chaos reigns. Imagine you take your idea and send it with neural link through and into the recessive half of your mind, like the first video-games, like ping pong. This takes time, slowly back and forth. Instead of the immediate interpretation of your problem, you have now added dimensions to it. However, when this is on, like for real, both my hemispheres will be lit up like a christmas tree. Hemi-sync. 
So, with my own understanding, I am fully able to comprehend why and how. There’s no space left in this mental room for BS. Why would I waste my time ranting about this or that? All that matters is that this so-called missing link could very well be a quick fix for the deteriorating Y-chromosome. Something very serious happened to my brain, it has hyper-evolved, and all I can do now is try to address the things I see in the most appropriate way. I don’t know if my DNA is cause for celebration, but there are many things suggesting that this might be the ultimate lottery to win. The lottery of life, it won’t make me rich, but it will make me able to step up and do what needs to be done, or undone, for that matter. I have a vague estimate; before I started ping-ponging my thoughts, I would have been just a mere percent of what I am now. I have at least hundrified. There are really no limits as to how the human brain is meant to be. 
Naturally, having these things happening to one self, necessarily and inevitably will cause a wide range of mental disorders. That was still a topic a decade ago. I just hadn’t had the amount of time necessary to contemplate everything, perhaps my own person the least. It has always been like this: if I wanna go all the way, like returning savior-all-the-way, now what exactly would that require in addition to a miraculous mind, also known to get full blown psychotic from time to time? So, yeah, I suffered. At my lowest, I was strapped to a hospital bed. The only thing I could do to protest and show my contempt, was to pee my pants on purpose. To answer the question: I’m not too proud to beg, either. The educating of one self has always been with my mind on this “mental autopsy”. In the end, I’m all you’ve got. There’s no need to be a total dick about it, right? 😉 

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